Wednesday, November 08, 2006

How 2 Deal

Need to find ways to deal with the stress and pressure that you encounter in everyday life? Well this is a good place to start. These methods will relax you and help you focus on what is really important.

Meditation can help you in many ways. It relaxes you, helps you learn to focus, and frees you of your worries. There are many websites that teach proper meditation. If you would like to find them simply search for "meditate" at anyways, here's a quick run-down on meditation. Sit in the lotus position (if you are unable to get yourself into this position, try sitting crosslegged instead). Envision all of your thoughts and worries drifting away. Think of nothing, consentrate on slow deap breaths. Make sure you let your body relax, but stay in good posture. Picture a calm place in nature, in which you'd be happy to be. This can be a beach, a forest, and hill, whatever you please. Imagine the sweet sounds and smells of this place. Continue doing so for about ten to fifteen minutes, before slowly allowing yourself back into reality.

Challenge the bad thoughts in your head with good thoughts. i.e. - if you are thinking that you are stupid, remember a time when you achieved something you were proud of. if you feel fat, think about how good of a person you are inside, plus you could always be fatter!

Do for You:
Take a time out. Or, if you are at school, promise yourself a time out when you get home. Not the kind of tim eout your parents gave you when you were little! A good time out. Time out of the stressful environment known as society. Do something nice for yourself, have a bath, read a book, paint your nails, whatever you would like to do most. Hey you can be like me... take a nap! haha that always seems to revitalize me!

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