Monday, November 20, 2006

Because Love . . .

Because love is patient,

You submit to one another.

Because love is kind,

You are considerate of each other.

Because love is not envious,

You are selfless toward one another.

Because love is not rude,

You nurture one another’s love.

Because love is not boastful or proud,

You humble yourselves before each other.

Because love is not self-seeking,

You serve one another.

Because love is not easily angered,

You are understanding of one another.

Because love keeps no record of wrong,

You rejoice in truth with one another.

Because love protects,

You guard your love for one another.

Because love trusts,

You trust each other.

Because love hopes,

You hope in God together.

Because love perseveres,

You always stand together.

Because love never fails,

Your love every day will grow stronger.


Katherine A. Scott Randolph

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